Friday, February 27, 2009

This is my week five assignment, taking landscape picture. I traveled to the Maine coast last weekend, where I discovered a very different landscape from Vermont. This part of Maine has many harbors and fishing villages. I went from one small village to the next and each one was very special in it's own setting. It was dark and the sky was cloudy most of the day; so my first pictures didn't come out well. I then changed to a different function setting on my camera. I end up using the "snow" function for my landscape picture as shown on my blog. When i started to take there photos, it came to mind what i had learned in class and during the research project about the techniques and rules of photography. It also helped me to view landscape differently. I began to recognize more easily how to compose my pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I see you used the rule of thirds on this shot VERY nicely done!!
